Date A Shemale

Georgeous Shemale Shares Surefire Shemale Dating Tips!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shemale Dating: Online Dating Profile Secrets

Hi Guys,

I want to give you a couple of tips to assist you with online dating. Whether you are looking for a shemale or female you absolutely must do the following...

1) Have, at least, a clear face photo and a nice full length photo to place in your profile. When scanning dating profiles I am amazed by the number of profiles I find without any photo whatsoever. Profiles without photos are a complete waste of time in my opinion. The reason for having nice photos in your profile should be obvious.

2) You must know how to write an attractive profile. This is where most guys fail. Even if you have great photos in your profile, if your written profile is a boring pile of crap, your response will be severely limited. What you write in your profile is just as important as how you look in your photos when it comes to attracting shemales or females!

There are certain secrets you must learn about writing profiles if you want to be successful at online dating. I can't explain them in this short message. However I have arranged for you to get some free information that will explain exactly what the secrets are!

Just click the link below...

Online Dating Power

Hugs & Kisses



Date A Shemale

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Shemale Dating: Shemales Are So Hot...

Take a good look at the image of three beauties below...

They are members of TS Dating. However, they are NOT transsexuals. They are actually natural-born women who are interested in having a relationship with a shemale!

You see, we are so hot even women want us! Technically, a relationship between a woman and a Shemale would be considered lesbian. So what do women find attractive about us?

First of all, women can be just as intrigued and captivated by the notion of a drop-dead gorgeous transsexual woman with a penis as you guys are. Yes indeed the mysterious "third sex" possessing the "best of both worlds" is quite alluring to both men and women.

Second, I believe that because women generally have a higher level of emotional development than men, many of them find us appealing because we tend be extremely emotionally connected as well. Most women desire emotional fulfillment in a relationship just as much if not more so, than sexual satisfaction. One of the biggest complaints women have about men is that they overly repress their emotions.

Finally, perhaps the most important aspect of attraction is that women can take advantage of our powerfully developed fashion sense and enjoy sharing shoes, dresses and makeup tips. LOL : ) that's girl thing you guys will never understand hehehe : )~

Anyway guys, consider this message to be a friendly reminder to keep on top of your game because you've got some serious competition from the ladies : ) LOL!!!!!!!!
Hugs & Kisses

Date A Shemale


Check out my new site! which is packed full of powerful free dating and relationship information that will assist you in becoming the best lover you can be!

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shemale Dating: Are You In The 27 Percent?

Hi Guys,

According to the latest shemale dating poll results 27% of men are interested in meeting a shemale for a serious relationship. So if you are in that 27 percent I woud like to you read a portion of the TS Dating profile of a woman by the name of Darlene.

Wow! She is really beautiful isn't she. I am kinda jealous LOL : )

Anyway just read the profile and take notes! If you are smart you will learn a lot things about us that will help you be successful in romantic relationship with a woman like us.

------- START OF PROFILE -------

IF U NOT GONNA MEET ME N TAKE ME OUT ON DATES, THEN DO NOT CONTACT ME. i'm over-it with online back-n-forth! i'm not doing ONLINE chit-chat whatsoever. If You Think Distance IS A Problem, Then Don't Bother My Profile Altogether. Thank You

Just so you know - I am a transexual woman. I live and work 24/7 and relate to the world as you can see in my pictures. My pictures are an accurate depiction of my appearance, with no glamour photo assistance and no duplicity. What you see is what you get. I am pre-operative.

Lived my life as a woman for more than ten years now...i look like one, I act like one, and so, rightfully I identify myself as one. Just because I wasn't fortunate enough to be born as one externally, but instead had to set off an atomic bomb in my life to become a woman, should not mean that i am forever doomed to a life of ridicule and marginalisation. I greatly value honesty and integrity and find those who lack those qualities distasteful. I live in hope that I will find someone with the emotional maturity, robustness of ego, and moral fibre to find happiness with me.

The fact that I am transexual woman is not an indication of a deep level of kink, or a lack of moral fibre. Becoming who I am was a life or death response to a lifelong disconnect between external presentation and internal identity. My journey has required enormous sacrifice, pain and in-depth self discovery. If you have an issue with this - please keep your opinions to yourself. Unless you have lived my life, there is no way you could comprehend. And just because some of you out there that know a few transexuals, don't mean u know what we go thru day by day of our lives, struggling and trying so hard to live our lives the way we feel right, and the way we see fit, with how we feel deep down internally within ourselves...

The face that major amount of society that still sees us as freaks of nature, or a subject of discrimination, is why a large percentage of the transgender population has to revert to 'working' indifferently, the only way they know where they are appreciated n wanted, BUT most of all, to survive, to put food on their own tables. It hurts but if the society of the world still sees us as 'freaks', we'll do whatever it takes to Live, Survive n Support ourselves. Not to mention the 99.9% so-called heterosexual males, more so the married men, that actually were the ones that sees these transgender girls. Such... is Life!''

------- End OF PROFILE -------

OK thats it for today. I hope you learned something. If you would like to meet a woman like Darlene, she could be just a few mouse clicks away!

Hugs & Kisses



Date A Shemale

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